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PHPStan finds bugs in your code without writing tests. It's open-source and free.
Find bugs before they reach production
PHPStan scans your whole codebase and looks for both obvious & tricky bugs. Even in those rarely executed if statements that certainly aren't covered by tests.
You can run it on your machine and in CI to prevent those bugs ever reaching your customers in production.
PHPStan Pro
PHPStan in a premium package with extra features. Beautiful web UI instead of CLI to browse your errors, auto-refresh with continuous analysis in the background.
Subscribe today and support the development of PHPStan!
No autoloader? No problem.
It doesn't matter how old your code is, PHPStan is here to help you improve it. Thanks to the baseline, you can start writing better code today.
Third-party frameworks are first-class citizens.
PHPStan offers extensions for popular frameworks like Symfony, Laravel or Doctrine. Even code taking advantage of magic methods and properties is understood well.

Impatient about new language features?
Enjoy new language features before they come to PHP. Do you dream of generics? Array shapes? Checked exceptions? With PHPStan you can use these today by leveraging the power of PHPDocs.
Gradual integration
Thanks to rule levels you don't get overwhelmed with thousands of errors on the first run.
You can increase PHPStan's capabilities on your code at your own pace. It makes work feel like a game.
The development of PHPStan is made possible thanks to these generous companies and individuals.