
Dynamic Throw Type Extensions

To support precise try-catch-finally analysis, you can write a dynamic throw type extension to describe functions and methods that might throw an exception only when specific types of arguments are passed during a call.

The implementation is all about applying the core concepts so check out that guide first and then continue here.

Because you have to write the code with the type-resolving logic, it can be as complex as you want.

This is the interface for dynamic throw type extension:

namespace PHPStan\Type;

use PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall;
use PHPStan\Analyser\Scope;
use PHPStan\Reflection\MethodReflection;

interface DynamicMethodThrowTypeExtension

	public function isMethodSupported(MethodReflection $methodReflection): bool;

	public function getThrowTypeFromMethodCall(
		MethodReflection $methodReflection,
		MethodCall $methodCall,
		Scope $scope
	): ?Type;


An example #

Let’s say you have a method with an implementation that looks like this:

/** @throws ComponentNotFoundException */
public function getComponent(string $name, bool $throw): ?Component
	if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->components)) {
		if ($throw) {
			throw new ComponentNotFoundException($name);

		return null;

	return $this->components[$name];

This is how you’d write the extension that tells PHPStan the exception can be thrown only when $throw is true:

public function isMethodSupported(MethodReflection $methodReflection): bool
	return $methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === ComponentContainer::class
		&& $methodReflection->getName() === 'getComponent';

public function getThrowTypeFromMethodCall(
	MethodReflection $methodReflection,
	MethodCall $methodCall,
	Scope $scope
): ?Type
	if (count($methodCall->getArgs()) < 2) {
		return $methodReflection->getThrowType();

	$argType = $scope->getType($methodCall->getArgs()[1]->value);
	if ((new ConstantBooleanType(true))->isSuperTypeOf($argType)->yes()) {
		return $methodReflection->getThrowType();

	return null;

And finally, register the extension in the configuration file:

		class: App\PHPStan\GetComponentThrowTypeExtension
			- phpstan.dynamicMethodThrowTypeExtension

There’s also analogous functionality for:

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