
Extension Types

PHPStan’s behavior can be customized in various ways.

Core concepts #

Many basic concepts about static analysis are shared among all the extension types.

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Custom rules #

PHPStan allows writing custom rules to check for specific situations in your own codebase.

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Error formatters #

PHPStan outputs errors via so-called error formatters. You can implement your own format.

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Class reflection extensions #

Classes in PHP can expose “magic” properties and methods decided in run-time using class methods like __get, __set, and __call. Because PHPStan is all about static analysis (testing code for errors without running it), it has to know about those properties and methods beforehand.

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Dynamic return type extensions #

If the return type of a method is not always the same, but depends on an argument passed to the method, you can specify the return type by writing and registering an extension.

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Dynamic throw type extensions #

To support precise try-catch-finally analysis, you can write a dynamic throw type extension to describe functions and methods that might throw an exception only when specific types of arguments are passed during a call.

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Type-specifying extensions #

These extensions allow you to specify types of expressions based on certain type-checking function and method calls, like is_int() or self::assertNotNull().

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Custom PHPDoc Types #

PHPStan lets you override how it converts PHPDoc AST coming from its phpdoc-parser library into its typesystem representation. This can be used to introduce custom utility types.

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Always-read and written properties #

This extension allows you to mark private properties as always-read and written even if the surrounding code doesn’t look like that.

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Always-used class constants #

This extension allows you to mark private class constants as always-used even if the surrounding code doesn’t look like that.

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Allowed subtypes #

PHP language doesn’t have a concept of sealed classes - a way to restrict class hierarchies and provide more control over inheritance. So any interface or non-final class can have an infinite number of child classes. But PHPStan provides an extension type to tell the analyzer the complete list of allowed child classes.

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