
Ignoring Errors

You might want to ignore some errors found by PHPStan for various reasons:

  • The error can be a real issue that needs some refactoring of your codebase which you currently don’t have time for.
  • A PHPStan extension must be written to make PHPStan understand what the affected code really does and you choose not to do it right now.
  • It’s a genuine PHPStan bug and you don’t want to (and shouldn’t) wait for a bugfix.

Ignoring in code using PHPDocs #

Errors can be ignored next to the violating line of code using @phpstan-ignore PHPDoc tag. All the PHP comment styles (//, /* */, /** */) can be used.

function () {
	/** @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined */
	echo $foo;

	echo $foo; /** @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined */

	/* @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined */
	echo $foo;

	echo $foo; /* @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined */

	// @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined
	echo $foo;

	echo $foo; // @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined

The @phpstan-ignore comment requires an error identifier of the error you want to ignore. If the comment is the only thing on its line besides whitespace, it will look for an error to ignore on the next line. Otherwise it will ignore an error on its own line.

function () {
	// @phpstan-ignore argument.type

	$this->foo->doSomethingWithString(2); // @phpstan-ignore argument.type

Multiple errors can be ignored with comma-separated identifiers. Multiple errors with the same identifier can also be ignored the same way:

echo $foo, $bar; // @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined, variable.undefined

You can find out the error identifier for the error you’re trying to ignore:

  • By running PHPStan with the default table formatter. It will show the identifier next to 🪪 icon.
  • By running PHPStan Pro. It will output your errors along with their identifiers in a beautiful web UI.
  • By reproducing your error in the playground. It will output the identifier next to the error message.
  • Custom error formatters also have the error identifiers at their disposal in order to output them.

The reason why a certain error is ignored using @phpstan-ignore can be put into parentheses after the identifier:

echo $foo; // @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined (Because we are lazy)

You can also choose to ignore all errors on a specific line using @phpstan-ignore-line and @phpstan-ignore-next-line.

echo $foo; // @phpstan-ignore-line

// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
echo $foo;

If your codebase is currently full of @phpstan-ignore-line & @phpstan-ignore-next-line and you’d like to switch to identifier-specific @phpstan-ignore, you can use automatic migration wizard in PHPStan Pro that will do it for you:

Try out PHPStan Pro by running PHPStan with --pro or by going to and creating an account.

Ignoring in configuration file #

Errors can be ignored by adding a regular expression to the configuration file under the ignoreErrors key. To ignore an error by a regular expression in the whole project, add a string entry:

		- '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doFoo\(\)#'
		- '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doBar\(\)#'

To ignore errors by a regular expression only in a specific file, add an entry with message or messages and path or paths keys. Wildcard patterns compatible with the PHP fnmatch() are also supported. You can specify how many times the error is expected by using count (optional, applies only to message not messages and path, not paths).

			message: '#Access to an undefined property [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::\$foo#'
			path: some/dir/SomeFile.php
			message: '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doBar\(\)#'
				- some/dir/*
				- other/dir/*
				- '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doFooFoo\(\)#'
				- '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doFooBar\(\)#'
			path: other/dir/AnotherFile.php
				- '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doFooFoo\(\)#'
				- '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doFooBar\(\)#'
				- some/foo/dir/*
				- other/foo/dir/*
			message: '#Call to an undefined method [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::doFoo\(\)#'
			path: other/dir/DifferentFile.php
			count: 2 # optional
		- '#Other error to ignore everywhere#'

Relative paths in the path and paths keys are resolved based on the directory of the config file is in. So if your phpstan.neon is in the root directory of the project, and you want to ignore an error in src/Foo/Bar.php, your path key can simply be src/Foo/Bar.php.

If you want to ignore only a specific error, you can take advantage of error identifiers in the identifier key:

			message: '#Access to an undefined property [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::\$foo#'
			identifier: property.notFound
			path: some/dir/SomeFile.php

The reported error has to match both the message pattern and the identifier in order to be ignored.

You can also use only the identifier key to ignore all errors of the same type:

			identifier: property.notFound

Viewing ignored errors #

Did you know PHPStan Pro lets you browse ignored errors in a beautiful web UI? It shows the errors right on the line where they’d be reported if they weren’t ignored:

Try out PHPStan Pro by running PHPStan with --pro or by going to and creating an account.

Generate an ignoreErrors entry #

Using the fields below, you can generate an entry that you can put in the parameters.ignoreErrors section of your configuration file. It deals with the complexity of writing a matching regular expression from a plain string and encoding that regular expression into the neon format.

Copy the following to your phpstan.neon:

An error occurred. Please try again later.


The Baseline #

If you want to ignore all the current errors and only focus on new and changed code from now on, go and learn about the baseline feature.

Reporting unused ignores #

If some of the ignored errors (both from configuration and PHPDocs) do not occur in the result anymore, PHPStan will let you know and you will have to remove the pattern from the configuration. You can turn off this behaviour by setting reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors to false in the configuration:

	reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false

You can turn on/off reporting unused ignores explicitly for each entry in ignoredErrors. This overwrites global reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors setting.

	reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false
		- '#This message will not be reported as unmatched#'
		- '#This message will not be reported as unmatched either#'
			message: '#But this one will be reported#'
			reportUnmatched: true
	reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: true
		- '#This message will be reported as unmatched#'
		- '#This message will be reported as unmatched too#'
			message: '#But this one will not be reported#'
			reportUnmatched: false

Excluding whole files #

If your codebase contains some files that are broken on purpose (e. g. to test behaviour of your application on files with invalid PHP code), you can exclude them using the excludePaths key. Each entry can either be a file path, a directory path, or a pattern for the fnmatch() function.

If the excludePaths entry is a file path or a directory path, but it does not always exist, you can append the path with (?) to make it optional. Available since PHPStan 1.11.10.

		- tests/*/data/*
		- src/broken
		- node_modules (?) # optional path, might not exist

This is a shortcut for:

		    - tests/*/data/*

If your project’s directory structure mixes your own code (the one you want to analyse and fix bugs in) and third party code (which you’re using for discovering symbols, but don’t want to analyse), the file structure might look like this:

├── phpstan.neon
└── src
    ├── foo.php
    ├── ...
    └── thirdparty
        └── bar.php

In this case, you want to analyse the whole src directory, but want to exclude src/thirdparty from analysing. This is how to configure PHPStan:

        - src
            - src/thirdparty

Additionally, there might be a src/broken directory which contains files that you don’t want to analyse nor use for discovering symbols. You can modify the configuration to achieve that effect:

        - src
            - src/thirdparty
            - src/broken

Ignoring errors with an IgnoreErrorExtension #

For more complex situations, you could create an IgnoreErrorExtension that can ignore errors programmatically based on the Error, Node and Scope.

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