
Output Format

PHPStan supports different output formats through various so-called error formatters.

You can pass the following keywords to the --error-format=X CLI option of the analyse command in order to affect the output:

  • table: Default. Grouped errors by file, colorized. For human consumption. Additionally, the table formatter will detect it runs in a Continuous Integration environment like GitHub Actions and TeamCity, and besides the table it will also output errors in the specific format for that environment.
  • raw: Contains one error per line, with path to file, line number, and error description
  • checkstyle: Creates a checkstyle.xml compatible output. Note that you’d have to redirect output into a file in order to capture the results for later processing.
  • json: Creates minified .json output without whitespaces. Note that you’d have to redirect output into a file in order to capture the results for later processing.
  • prettyJson: Creates human readable .json output with whitespaces and indentations. Note that you’d have to redirect output into a file in order to capture the results for later processing.
  • junit: Creates JUnit compatible output. Note that you’d have to redirect output into a file in order to capture the results for later processing.
  • github: Creates GitHub Actions compatible output.
  • gitlab: Creates format for use Code Quality widget on GitLab Merge Request.
  • teamcity: Creates TeamCity compatible output.

You can also implement your own custom error formatter. Learn how »

You can change the default error format in the configuration. Learn how »

Opening file in an editor #

The default table error formatter offers a configuration parameter editorUrl that lets you specify a URL with placeholders that will be printed next to the error message in the output:

 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   test.php
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
  3      Parameter #1 (stdClass) of echo cannot be converted to string.
         ✏️  phpstorm://open?file=/home/dev/test.php&line=3
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------

Here’s how the parameter can be set in the configuration file:

	editorUrl: 'phpstorm://open?file=%%file%%&line=%%line%%'

Examples of URLs for the most common editors are:

  • PhpStorm: 'phpstorm://open?file=%%file%%&line=%%line%%'
  • Visual Studio Code: 'vscode://file/%%file%%:%%line%%'
  • Atom: 'atom://core/open/file?filename=%%file%%&line=%%line%%'

Setting this parameter should most likely be done in your local configuration file that isn’t committed to version control. The common pattern is to have phpstan.neon.dist with project-specific settings shared by everyone on the team, and .gitignored phpstan.neon that includes phpstan.neon.dist and overrides values specific to a single developer:

	- phpstan.neon.dist

	editorUrl: 'phpstorm://open?file=%%file%%&line=%%line%%'

To make the text really clickable in your terminal you might need to register the protocol in your system; see eclemens/atom-url-handler for an example.

The editorUrl parameter also applies to PHPStan Pro which lets you browse reported errors (including ignored errors) in a beautiful web UI, and open files in your editor with a click.

If you run PHPStan analysis within Docker container (or using other virtualization tools) you may need to use %relFile% instead of %file%. This will use file’s path relative to the current working directory. In the end your editorUrl should look like this: phpstorm://open?file=/path/to/your/project/%%relFile%%&line=%%line%%.

You may also want to change the default title of the clickable link to contain line to be able to quickly copy-paste it to your IDE when used within an environment that is not clickable (like CI output). Here is how:

	editorUrlTitle: '%%relFile%%:%%line%%'

Since every team member working on the same project will likely have different absolute path to the project, machine-specific editorUrl should be used in phpstan.neon paired with phpstan.neon.dist where all the common project settings live.

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