
Class Reflection Extensions

Classes in PHP can expose “magic” properties and methods decided in run-time using class methods like __get, __set, and __call. Because PHPStan is all about static analysis (testing code for errors without running it), it has to know about those properties and methods beforehand.

When PHPStan stumbles upon a property or a method that is unknown to built-in class reflection, it iterates over all registered class reflection extensions until it finds one that defines the property or method.

The implementation is all about applying the core concepts so check out that guide first and then continue here.

Properties class reflection extensions #

To describe magic properties from __get and __set methods, an extension must implement the following interface:

namespace PHPStan\Reflection;

interface PropertiesClassReflectionExtension

	public function hasProperty(ClassReflection $classReflection, string $propertyName): bool;

	public function getProperty(ClassReflection $classReflection, string $propertyName): PropertyReflection;


Most likely you will also have to create a new class implementing the PropertyReflection interface:

namespace PHPStan\Reflection;

use PHPStan\TrinaryLogic;
use PHPStan\Type\Type;

interface PropertyReflection

	public function getDeclaringClass(): ClassReflection;

	public function isStatic(): bool;

	public function isPrivate(): bool;

	public function isPublic(): bool;

	public function getDocComment(): ?string;

	public function getReadableType(): Type;

	public function getWritableType(): Type;

	public function canChangeTypeAfterAssignment(): bool;

	public function isReadable(): bool;

	public function isWritable(): bool;

	public function isDeprecated(): TrinaryLogic;

	public function getDeprecatedDescription(): ?string;

	public function isInternal(): TrinaryLogic;


This is how you register the extension in the configuration file:

		class: App\PHPStan\PropertiesFromAnnotationsClassReflectionExtension

Methods class reflection extensions #

To describe magic methods from the __call method, an extension must implement the MethodsClassReflectionExtension interface:

namespace PHPStan\Reflection;

interface MethodsClassReflectionExtension

	public function hasMethod(ClassReflection $classReflection, string $methodName): bool;

	public function getMethod(ClassReflection $classReflection, string $methodName): MethodReflection;


Most likely you will also have to implement a new class implementing the MethodReflection interface:

namespace PHPStan\Reflection;

use PHPStan\TrinaryLogic;
use PHPStan\Type\Type;

interface MethodReflection

	public function getDeclaringClass(): ClassReflection;

	public function isStatic(): bool;

	public function isPrivate(): bool;

	public function isPublic(): bool;

	public function getDocComment(): ?string;

	public function getName(): string;

	public function getPrototype(): ClassMemberReflection;

	 * @return \PHPStan\Reflection\ParametersAcceptor[]
	public function getVariants(): array;

	public function isDeprecated(): TrinaryLogic;

	public function getDeprecatedDescription(): ?string;

	public function isFinal(): TrinaryLogic;

	public function isInternal(): TrinaryLogic;

	public function getThrowType(): ?Type;

	public function hasSideEffects(): TrinaryLogic;


This is how you register the extension in the configuration file:

		class: App\PHPStan\EnumMethodsClassReflectionExtension

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